The Fickle Feet is a space that shares personal reflections and practical tips on how to enjoy navigating adulthood while pursuing a love for travel.
The Fickle Feet is a place where I share my experiences about my life. How I’m trying to survive my adulting phase while doing the things I love especially TRAVELING.
I created this blog to share my own personal reflections and understanding about the little and big things that I encounter in this crazy big world. I travel to know more, to understand deeper, and to have enough knowledge to assess my actions toward others and to myself. I always say that “Knowledge can lead to better actions!”. I’m hoping that this blog can make my voice and also others’ be heard.
Also, I want to share with you how a small-town girl with big dreams is trying to figure out her place in this world. I’ve been doing many things, trying different stuff, and learning new skills. It was a bit frustrating for me not having my own cup of tea. But the more I know myself, I realized that it is okay to be a bit of everything and I learn to love that part of me. I do not need to be one thing if I can be a lot of things, right? I’m pretty sure, I’m not the only one who feels this way and I tell you, you’re not alone.
You might worry that this is just a blabber space (actually it is created to be one) but, I will share with you my tips, guides, itinerary, and how-tos in each destination I embarked on. Just in case I will fail to give you the latter, let’s just share our own unique stories. Okay?

Hey there! I’m Roneth. Thanks a lot for stopping by my little corner of the internet! Now, it’s time to get to know more about the person behind The Fickle Feet.
Raised alongside the Pacific Ocean, I’m a certified freediver with a profound connection to the sea.
I am also a freelancer who can bring my work anywhere in the world, which allows me to explore places I’ve been dreaming about.
I started blogging in 2012, just sharing my thoughts like an online diary. But by 2016, I got really into traveling and started a blog about my adventures. That’s when The Fickle Feet began!
Because of my curiosity, love for challenges, and thirst for new experiences, I founded this travel blog to share with you valuable and practical tips on the journey I embarked on.
So what's my story?
Since I was a little girl, my family has always gone on road trips during summer. We explore Mindanao, one summer at a time, or every chance we get. My parents were my best example that traveling doesn’t have to be expensive. I also get my ‘spontaneousity’ from them.
And then college comes in. At the age of 16, I moved and studied in the queen city of the south, Cebu City. Living in a new city was such an overwhelming and scary decision. However, this experience made me more independent and socially active. I learned different ways to travel–in groups, by pair, or alone. Exploring the city, then the nearby towns, and so on. This is an ongoing adventure!
I always wanted to travel while working. That’s why I want to do freelancing. So at the age of 23, I quit my corporate job and went on a solo trip to South East Asia. Working while traveling is not easy but I managed to travel around Asia, had my yearly beach trip to my fave island-Siargao, enjoyed tons of freediving activities with my friends, hopped from my City life and hometown chill life from time to time, and visited new places I had never been to before. All of these things while working online.
Looking back, I realized that it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I couldn’t thank my 23-year-old self enough for making the bold move that took me where I am today.
As a freelancer and an entrepreneur, I am here trying to live my best life and explore all the possibilities the world can offer.
Join me as I document where my feet take me.
I tell stories through my writings. I bring you on my travels through my videos. I relive those moments through my photos.
Interested in working together?
Feel free to check all my work and things we can work on together on the page below.
I’m always open to hearing new and creative ideas!